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ODVA publishes new specifications for CIP networks

ODVA published new editions of the specifications for the family of CIP Networks, enhancing the EtherNet/IP, DeviceNet, CompoNet, ControlNet and CIP Safety technologies. These new editions represent the second publication update of these specifications in 2008, and contain important new additions for users seeking to deploy open networks in manufacturing automation in the broadest possible range of applications.

All together, the new editions include 20 enhancements to the specifications. Among these enhancements, the following are especially noteworthy:
  • The requirements to support CIP Safety are now defined for products implementing the SERCOS III protocol, integrating SERCOS III devices into the CIP Safety media-independent architecture. The enhancements are applicable to devices that reside directly on a SERCOS network and modular SERCOS devices that contain safety modules.
  • A new optional capability for a Device Level Ring (“DLR”) is now included for products implementing EtherNet/IP. This capability enables very fast recovery of EtherNet/IP networks and will tolerate faults in network infrastructure and network interfaces on end-devices. It supports low “switch-over” times of 10 milliseconds or less, extensible to large-scale networks of 10,000 devices or more.
  • Quality of Service (“QoS”) mechanisms in IEEE 802.1D/Q, along with Differentiated Services (“DiffServ”), as defined in the TCP/IP Suite, have been added for CIP nodes implementing EtherNet/IP. This functionality is especially important for time-sensitive applications, such as those implementing CIP Sync and CIP Motion, where timely packet delivery is essential for system stability and performance.
  • New options for physical media have been added to The DeviceNet Specification and The EtherNet/IP Specification, including an option for a 1 millimeter polymer fiber-optic cable for EtherNet/IP networks and an option for an M8, IP67 connector for DeviceNet devices.

    The specifications are organized as a group of publications entitled The CIP Networks Library. Each specification is made up of one or more volumes of The CIP Networks Library. The latest editions of the specifications are:

    •The EtherNet/IP Specification
    Comprised of The CIP Networks Library:
    Volumes One (Edition 3.5), Two (Edition 1.6) and Seven (Edition 1.2)

    •The DeviceNet Specification
    Comprised of The CIP Networks Library:
    Volumes One (Edition 3.5), Three (Edition 1.6) and Seven (Edition 1.2)

    •The ControlNet Specification
    Comprised of The CIP Networks Library:
    Volumes One (Edition 3.5), Four (Edition 1.2) and Seven (Edition 1.2)

    •The CompoNet Specification
    Comprised of The CIP Networks Library:
    Volumes One (Edition 3.5), Six (Edition 1.4) and Seven (Edition 1.2)

    •The CIP Safety Specification
    Comprised of The CIP Networks Library:
    Volume Five (Edition 2.2)

    ODVA expects that devices containing new enhancements found in the latest specifications will be available in 2009. Specifications are available on a subscription basis, subject to a Terms of Usage Agreement.

    About ODVA
    ODVA, founded in 1995, is an international association comprised of members from the world's leading automation companies. Collectively, ODVA and its members support network technologies based on the Common Industrial Protocol (CIP). These currently include CompoNet, ControlNet, DeviceNet, and EtherNet/IP, along with the major extensions to CIP -- CIP Safety and CIP Motion. ODVA manages the development of these open technologies, and assists manufacturers and users of CIP Networks through its activities in standards development, certification, vendor education and industry awareness. As part of its certification activities, ODVA offers conformance testing to help ensure that products built to its specifications operate in multi-vendor systems.
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