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ODVA approves 50 Ethernet/IP products


December 2, 2008 -- ODVA and the Center Verteilte Systeme at the Institute of Ergonomics (CVS@IAF), Manufacturing Systems and Automation of Otto-von-Guericke-Universitäte Magdeburg announced today that ODVA has issued fifty Declarations of Conformity for EtherNet/IP single products and product families that successfully passed the ODVA conformance test for EtherNet/IP conducted at CVS@IAF. This number of Declarations of Conformity from EtherNet/IP vendors based in the European community reflects the confidence of vendors in the EtherNet/IP technology, the open network standards of ODVA and its conformance testing process, and CVS@IAF as one of ODVA’s test service providers.

The goal of the ODVA conformance testing process is to help to ensure, to the greatest extent practicable, that products implementing ODVA technologies and standards comply with the specifications and interoperate in multi-vendor systems. A cornerstone of this process is the passing of the ODVA conformance test at an ODVA authorized test service provider (TSP). ODVA TSPs must meet certain standards, including vendor-independence, neutrality and technical competency in networks and testing practices. CVS@IAF has been an authorized ODVA TSP for EtherNet/IP since 2004. Since its authorization as an ODVA TSP, CVS@IAF has not only conducted conformance tests on behalf of ODVA for EtherNet/IP products, but has also contributed to the continuous improvement of the ODVA conformance test process through its experience gained in conducting ODVA conformance tests.

TSPs perform conformance tests that are designed, developed and managed by ODVA and conduct the tests in accordance with ODVA test requirements and procedures. The ODVA conformance test for EtherNet/IP products is a composite test comprised of three parts:

  • An automated computer test for compliance with The EtherNet/IP Specification, which includes the Common Industrial Protocol (CIP) and the EtherNet/IP adaptation of CIP,
  • A visual inspection of the product for compliance with the physical layer of The EtherNet/IP Specification, and
  • An interoperability test that exercises the product using prescribed test scenarios designed to demonstrate the successful interoperability of the product in multi-vendor systems.

    The vendor of the product may, at its option, observe the test at the TSP. Upon the product’s successful completion of the test, the TSP submits the test results to ODVA for review and final approval. Contingent on passing results from the conformance tests and other requirements of ODVA, ODVA issues a Declaration of Conformity for the product. Declarations of Conformity are posted on ODVA’s web site.

    Currently responsible for the EtherNet/IP conformance testing activities at CVS@IAF is Lorenz Hundt. “CVS@IAF is very proud about the high confidence of ODVA in the Institute as reflected by our appointment as an ODVA TSP,” stated Hundt. “The continuing demand for tests at our test site reflects the increasing adoption of EtherNet/IP by European vendors.”

    “ODVA considers CVS@IAF to be an important partner in helping to promote the worldwide adoption of industrial Ethernet and EtherNet/IP in particular,” states Katherine Voss, executive director of ODVA. “ODVA congratulates CVS@IAF on its effective support of the European vendor community for EtherNet/IP as evidenced by ODVA’s issuance of the fiftieth Declaration of Conformity for EtherNet/IP products that have passed ODVA conformance testing at CVS@IAF.”

    About EtherNet/IP
    EtherNet/IP extends commercial off-the-shelf Ethernet to the Common Industrial Protocol (CIP) — the same upper-layer protocol and object model utilized in DeviceNet, CompoNet, and ControlNet. CIP allows EtherNet/IP, CompoNet, ControlNet, and DeviceNet product developers, system integrators, and users to apply the same objects and profiles for plug-and-play interoperability among devices from multiple vendors and in multiple sub-nets. Combined, DeviceNet, CompoNet, ControlNet, and EtherNet/IP promote transparency from sensors to the enterprise software.

    About CVS@IAF
    The Center Verteilte Systeme (CVS@IAF) is a working group within the Institute of Ergonomics, Manufacturing Systems and Automation (IAF) at the University of Magdeburg. The group’s main competence is the development of distributed control systems based on distributed intelligence, advanced communication technology, complex security technologies and real-time systems. In this context one of their most important fields of interest is industrial Ethernet.

    About ODVA
    ODVA, founded in 1995, is an international association comprised of members from the world's leading automation companies. Collectively, ODVA and its members support network technologies based on the Common Industrial Protocol (CIP). These currently include CompoNet, ControlNet, DeviceNet, and EtherNet/IP, along with the major extensions to CIP -- CIP Safety and CIP Motion. ODVA manages the development of these open technologies, and assists manufacturers and users of CIP Networks through its activities in standards development, certification, vendor education and industry awareness. As part of its certification activities, ODVA offers conformance testing to help ensure that products built to its specifications operate in multi-vendor systems.

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